Enhanced Service Plan

LG Enhanced Service Plan
Maximize your investment through the LG Enhanced Service Plan.
Offering innovative and comprehensive service solutions tailored specifically to your business needs, the Enhanced Service Plan provides additional extended repair and service uplifts for all your LG products. Regardless of environment, installation or product requirements, LG makes it simple to not only enhance performance but ensure the service level throughout the life of your products is second to none. Expecting the most out of your products and depending upon the reliability and ease of ownership are just a few of the ways LG Enhanced Service Plan can work for you.
Advantages of Enhanced Service Plan
Protects your product after expiration of the manufacturer's warranty and benefits beginning day one
Maximize up time of your display unit with Quick Swap
Eliminates the concern over costly repairs and service calls over the life of your products
Avoid unseen budgetary or financial surprises relating to unexpected service events
Cost of Enhanced Services is usually less than repair costs of the unit
Various Service Options to Meet Your Application Needs
LG’s Enhanced Service Plan is a robust yet flexible service solution for your business, providing features starting from day one. Repair services after the manufacturer's warranty has ended and extended protection after a product purchase.
Enhanced Service Plan Ensures Restoration is Complete
LG’s Enhanced Service Plan ensures that an operational unit is on its way to your location and allows the maximum amount of uptime vital to your business needs.
LG’s Authorized Service Technicians
LG’s Enhanced Service is supported by a network of more than 3,000 Authorized Service Centers who specialize in the function, handling and repair of LG products. Our one point commercial customer dedicated help desk and nationwide support allows us to be in the right place, at the right time, every time.
Shipping & Logistics Handling
Shipping and logistics management of a defective product can be time consuming and stressful. We take the guesswork out of how a unit is packaged, picked up and delivered to an authorized service center by managing all of the shipping and logistic processes for you.
Fully Transferable within the United States
LG’s Enhanced Service grants all plan holders the ability to transfer the service contract to anyone within the United States. Given the constant change in our business world today, it's nice to know you can still attach protection, regardless of transition.
Please contact us for more information
If you have additional questions or would like to purchase Enhanced Service Plan for your recently purchased displays, please contact your sales representative:
Large Format/Video Wall/Commercial TV: 800.897.8871
Hospitality/Healthcare TV: 800.228.1236
Email Address: offering.desk@lge.com